Optimum Health Center
(941) 587-1288
2210 S. Tamiami Trail #6, Venice, Fl. 34293
Qi Gong, the breath of life
Qi Gong with Tai Qi silk reeling exercises, dates and times soon
@ Optimum Health Center 2269. suite B6. S. Tamiami Trail, Venice, Fl. 34293
Dr Bill speaks on many topics including;
PMS and Menopause, how to handle these problems naturally without drugs
Stress and how to control it. Learn how stress affects the body as well as how to manage these effects
Five Secrets to looking and feeling younger
Diabetes ways of preventing and improving, it is all about being healthy
Fibromyalgia a holistic approach to chronic pain and fatigue
Arthritis and the natural approaches to preventing and handling pain
Allergies natural solutions to allergy symptoms
Breathing Problems the triggers and solutions to dealing with sinus difficulty, and having diminished breath
Digestion Problems and the natural solutions to hiatal hernia, acid reflux, irritable bowel, ulcers, colitis, Crohn’s disease
Bio-Detoxification is your environment making you sick
ADD / ADHD a drug free approach to learning disorders
where we heal the sick and fix the broken