Acupuncture Face Lifts
I love doing these treatments, watching the transformation of the face and neck is amazing. I am a very results driven clinician and the decades of experience, along with applying complimentry treatment procedures to inhance an amazing treatment. This being more than a cosmetic procedure, it is designed to push back the signs of ageing, and give you a more youthful appearance, in addition to supporting your overall body to be healthier. The appliction is to stimulate, revitalize, and to balance the precise aspects of circulation and restore the energy the depeats over time, additionly re-conditioning the skin and tissues with specific nutrients. To receive the full effect from this particular treatment a protocal follows ten to fifteen treatments, which will effectively improve the appearance of wrinkles, lines, and sagging skin. Anyone who is concerned with their appearance and looking younger, at any age is a good candidate for treatment. It also assists in the reversal of the ageing process in relation to body functions.